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Adam Kemist


Adam Kemist has been a board-certified Pedorthist and certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner. A Certified Pedorthist is a health care professional who provides biomechanics expertise, knowledge of footwear, and design and fabrication of custom insoles and orthotics. As a Pedorthist, Adam is qualified to create prescribed foot orthoses, as well as create custom insoles for his clients.

Read more about Pedorthics here.

Adam is an avid runner and his experience has helped him to not only have firsthand experience with many of his client’s discomforts, but also to help with real world solutions. This experience helps Adam relate to what walkers and runners go through. Adding his 20+ years of training and studying the field of biomechanics makes him very effective in relieving and preventing injuries.

Adam owned The Runners High and On Your Mark both specialty running and walking stores in Los Altos and Menlo Park, CA for over 20 years.

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Treating feet one toe at a time

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